Cookie Crumble

I crumble completely when I feel your presence around. I’m not sure what’s so comforting about your stance even if you’re somewhere in the distance. You’re almost like the wavering scent of warm, soft chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. You remind me of the lonely moon, except you will never be lonely because I’m admiring you from my windowsill. I’ll love you despite the distance. Haven’t you ever noticed how beautiful you seem? A pretty smile and shy eyes. A gentle voice that soothes a child to sleep. If only I could capture the warm honey glow in your eyes when the sun blesses them in the few moments of the golden hour. I want you to look at me forever.

 Till the sun sets and it’s quiet and dark. Your gaze warms my heart enough to last for centuries. I feel safe. You’re my warmth. I want to come home to a quiet apartment to see you eating your favourite meal at the kitchen counter. And I would wash your dishes and sing you to sleep. I want to comfort you through all your bad days that are worse than thunderstorms. I want to pick up the glass you shatter on the dining floor. I want to heal your bleeding hands with the solace of my words.

I want you to sleep knowing you are loved despite all your flaws. You are human, with a loving heart I want to protect. I want to gaze into your eyes forever, cook with you in the kitchen, dance with you in the rain, buy you flowers as a surprise, only to come home and see the bouquet you left for me on the table. I want to make you feel seen and heard, no matter the distance or the reality. 

I’d be there for you in every reality, as a star to the moon, as a butterfly to a garden of roses or as chocolate chips to soft cookies. As dusk sets at bay, I hope to bake with you long into the night, even if our cookies crumble, I’d still find that delight.

Lashvini V.G

A close-up shot of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies on a tray, showcasing their texture and indulgence.

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