Scattered Heartbeats

A black and white photo of an elderly man sitting on a staircase, creating a poignant urban scene.

Where is my heart?
In my chest, I presume.
Squeezed between the ribs that hold me.
Thudding heavily.

I left my heart
on the street yesterday.
I dropped a piece
when I gave a dime
to a little girl in need.

She’s looking for her mother,
who’s nowhere to be seen.

The day before,
I gave a piece
to the old man
who needed help
to cross the street.

He lives alone,
with three cats
and no one else.

He carries a picture
of his late wife—
he says I have her smile.

I gave a piece to the cashier
who takes my morning coffee order,
a piece of change that makes her day,
a piece of my heart shared today.

A little bit of my heart,
here and there,
beats steadily for someone else.

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